Dongguan Yisheng Packaging Co., Ltd


What should be paid attention to in the design of packing box?
Release time: 2020-08-15 10:16:57  Hits: 172

Every article has its own mission, and the mission of the packaging box is to make the things wrapped in it more perfect and set off the products,. A good box needs to have a lot of functions. Today, let's talk about the things that need to be paid attention to in the process of packaging box design.

Packaging box design

Every article has its own mission, and the mission of the packaging box is to make the things wrapped in it more perfect and set off the products,. A good box needs to have a lot of functions. Today, let's talk about the things that need to be paid attention to in the process of packaging box design.

1. Identify the products to be packaged

Because different products have different requirements for packaging boxes. For example, for fruit packaging boxes, we all know that fruit is only a kind of product that is easy to damage and rot, so its packaging box should have enough strength to protect, and also be able to have permeability and timely ventilation. There are also some high-end products such as gift boxes, which need to be designed enough Space, convenient for the combination of products, but also has aesthetic, can not drop the grade of goods. Therefore, we must discuss clearly the use and requirements of the product with customers when designing the packaging box.

2. Follow the trend

The design of packaging box must follow the current fashion trend, in order to get the favor of the public, too personalized packaging box is difficult to be recognized. For example, we have been calling for environmental protection, so environmental protection is the most important proposition of packaging box design. It should be good-looking and recyclable. In this way, we can not only attract customers, but also get more recognition, but also save energy. With so many functions in one, are you afraid that creativity will be abandoned?

3. Method of formal expression

The most intuitive thing about a packaging box is the visual feeling, and the vision can also convey to everyone's heart. Therefore, when designing, we must learn to consider the shape, material and processing method of packaging, and understand the method of form expression, so as to present a good work.

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